November 03, 2016
As major American cities go, Philadelphia is a great one to feel free to do pretty much whatever you please without fear of ridicule as long as it falls within the boundaries of the law. This is an exciting place with limitless activities, sights, restaurants, refinement and underground cultural life. If you're bored, there's something wrong with you.
When it comes to our city's thou shalt not commandments, it's pretty straightforward, right?
Don't be a Cowboys fan. Don't aggressively curb cruise Broad Street. Don't work for the PPA. Don't save "your" parking spot with a lawn chair. Don't be an insufferably bad Mummer. Don't speed on bridges if you're a pro athlete. Don't leave your nasty trash in the subway aisle, assuming SEPTA is running. Don't have a pool party in a dumpster when you can easily go to all of these places year-round or just bring your Bud Heavys to a lake. For the love of Benjamin Franklin, never do this, God almighty.
Maybe we're too close to the situation here to see many other violations, or we're too busy commiting them. Either way, it's nice to get some perspective from across the pond. These gents from Destination Tips recently published a video detailing eight things not to do in Philly. Some or perhaps all of them were taken from Thrillist, but who cares when you can hear it rehashed in a British accent?