October 29, 2015
Devon and Leah Still show off boxing gloves signed by Floyd Mayweather.
Boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. recently sent Leah Still a special gift to show his support in her fight against cancer.
Devon Still said in an Instagram post Wednesday that Mayweather sent Leah an autographed glove for "winning her fight."
"I've always been a fan of boxing and Leah always watches it with me," the former Cincinnati Bengals defensive lineman wrote in the post.
"So when she was diagnosed with cancer I told her she had to win every round (like boxers -- Mayweather to be exact) of chemo/treatment and she would win the fight against cancer."
Leah gained national attention last year after she was diagnosed with a rare form of pediatric cancer. Now, with her stage 4 neuroblastoma currently in remission, she will be the flower girl in her father's upcoming wedding.
Still, a Camden native who attended Penn State, said Mayweather threw in a second glove for him to auction off at the first 'Still Strong Foundation Gala.'