April 24, 2018
Philadelphia rapper Meek Mill was released from prison in Chester County on Tuesday, marking the end of a lengthy legal battle that became a symbol of the criminal justice reform movement in the United States.
The timing couldn't have been better if it had been scripted. The rapper's release came just as the Philadelphia 76ers were preparing to take on the Miami Heat in Game 5 of their first-round series, with a chance close out and advance to the next round.
The Sixers, led by co-owner Michael Rubin, invited Meek Mill to ring the bell during the pre-game ceremonies. He was joined by comedian and fellow Philly native Kevin Hart.
.@MeekMill has arrived.#PhilaUnite x #HereTheyCome pic.twitter.com/pub80aDdnI
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) April 24, 2018
Meek Mill ringing the bell! pic.twitter.com/ge92rM1sD1
— The Bitter Birds (@AdrianFedkiw) April 25, 2018
Ben Simmons and Embiid hugging Meek before tip pic.twitter.com/kugR8KgWKl
— Drew Corrigan (@Dcorrigan50) April 25, 2018
Supporters of Meek Mill chimed in on Twitter to celebrate his homecoming.
@sixers gonna win @MeekMill home 😍 #MeekMill #Philadelphia #sixers #Philadelphia76ers pic.twitter.com/xkaAEmHeyA
— ♥Pam♥ (@MD_Brickhouse) April 25, 2018
Welcome home to my Boy @MeekMill #Philly
— Maurice Revell (@MauriceRevell_) April 25, 2018
Meek Mill 🤘🏻😁 pic.twitter.com/TUP6lBUhWA
— ΞCTO1 (@DJECTO1) April 25, 2018
Yup...you could say @MeekMill and @KevinHart4real are amped to be at Heat-Sixers Game 5 [NSFW] 😂 pic.twitter.com/2HAd9EJ4Xo
— Sports Illustrated (@SInow) April 25, 2018
Philly really showing @MeekMill real love at the game 💯#Respect
— Montez Brown 💵 (@_CasanovaJr_) April 25, 2018
Welcome back home brother Meek Mill. God bless you and all those who stood by you through the entire ordeal.
— Ephraim Omosehin (@EphraimOmosehin) April 25, 2018
Meek Mill is FREE and heading to Sixers-Heat Game 5! pic.twitter.com/QkRFWHxlDk
— 12up (@12upSport) April 24, 2018
Meek Mill and Kevin Hart should be in the starting lineup tonight wearing the same mask as Joel Embiid #HereTheyCome #76ers
— Jonny Loquasto (@JQuasto) April 25, 2018
The Sixers freed Meek Mill. What has your city’s basketball team done today?
— Matt Mullin (@matt_mullin) April 25, 2018
Don't forget the problem goes far beyond Meek Mill #FreeMeek #HereTheyCome
— Durango Savage (@ProtoExemplar) April 25, 2018
If Meek Mill is at the Sixers game tonight sitting next to Iverson...the Sixers are winning the next four NBA championships.
— Jacoby (@djacoby) April 24, 2018
A thrill to hang with @MeekMill @KevinHart4real - @sixers owner Josh Harris - Michael Rubin & @ScottONeil pre game !! pic.twitter.com/Ya5rC4lcIa
— Jay Wright (@VUCoachJWright) April 25, 2018