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November 04, 2016

Melania Trump should start anti-bullying campaign at home

Like many inhabitants of the real world, I got a really big kick out of Melania Trump’s speech to Chester County voters on Thursday.

I wasn’t there, but our John Kopp was, so we have a transcript to revisit it in all its glory.

One portion of the 15-minute speech stood out from the rest. Let’s take a look at it verbatim:

“We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other,” she said.

“We must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media,” she continued.

“This will be one of the main focuses of my work if I am privileged enough to become your First Lady,” she promised.

LOL, right? Don’t believe me? Here’s supporting video:

The irony of her statements, of course, was quickly seized by folks who pay attention to reality.

Her words were justifiably mocked, what with her husband Donald being an orange bully whose mommy and daddy never taught him that, sometimes, biting one’s tongue is the socially acceptable right thing to do. After all, he’s said people who get bullied “gotta get over it.”

Melania didn’t know Donald when he was young, of course, but those who did share stories of an incorrigible bully. If life was “A Christmas Story,” he’d be Scut Farkus.

But just like my bride shouldn’t called to task because she married someone with a blatantly immature side, Melania shouldn’t be called to task for her millionaire husband’s relational defects.

Instead, I’ll just present a few instances of bullying behavior that, perhaps, she could use to help her husband “find a better way to talk” to his fellow human beings.

Lesson one: Don't call women “pigs, dogs, slobs or disgusting animals.”

Lesson two: Don't fat-shame others.

Lesson three: Don't make light of people with disabilities.

Lesson four: Don't rely on bluster and spousal insults to slither your way through the primary field.

Lesson five: Don't call out reporters who feel like they need protection from the maniacs he, himself, whipped up into a hate-fueled rage.

Lesson six: Don't stiff small business owners out of the money they deserve, because that qualifies as financial bullying.

And, lesson seven: Don't mock a legendary performer, who reached out to you, so you can feel, I don't know, better about yourself.

Mind you, this doesn’t even delve into the 282 Twitter insults that Trump has burped up over the years. 

But still, let it serve as a starting point for Melania’s worthy effort.

While she won’t be privileged enough to be our First Lady, she would be well served reining her husband’s penchant for bullying. After all, she’s going to have to live with getting mocked as she tries to soothe hubby's shattered ego after Tuesday's loss.
