April 24, 2017
Katie Gagnon, Alex Holley and Mike Jerrick on Fox29's "Good Gay Philadelphia," on Monday, April 24, 2017.
Whoever caught Fox29’s “Good Day Philadelphia” Monday morning had no idea what they were in for when it came time for PhillyVoice contributor Katie Gagnon’s segment.
Gagnon, for the second week in a row, appeared on “Good Day” to share her parenting stories from her weekly column, “Katie’s Baby.”
This time, Gagnon shared her strategies for getting her six-month-old son, Killian, to complete successful naps and sleep straight through the night.
The camera opened up with a shot of host Mike Jerrick reclined on a makeshift bed on the floor of the Fox29 studio with a pacifier in his mouth. Co-host Alex Holley introduced Gagnon to viewers and explained that Jerrick would be acting out Gagnon’s steps for Killian’s bedtime routine.
Holley then proceeds to place a bonnet on Jerrick’s head while Gagnon explains that she has managed to get Killian to sleep successfully through the night 10 to 12 hours.
“It's life-changing! The first thing I’m doing is listening to my pediatrician,” she said.
Things quickly get silly.
“Going to sleep with a hat on is not something most pediatricians recommend, actually,” Gagnon jests.
Then, Holley grabs the bib. Because it is too small for Jerrick, she places it over the neckline of his suit and begins spoon-feeding him baby food.
“Our bedtime routine starts at dinnertime. At 6:30 [p.m.] we have dinner, so, we brought in for Mike, this morning, some apples,” said Gagnon.
The camera pans to Holley, on her knees, feeding Jerrick, who is deep in his infantile role and now has baby food all over his face.
"I'm a nursing mother, so I breastfeed [Killian] after dinner," said Gagnon.
“Well, we could do that, too,” Jerrick joked.
Holley proceeds to then feed Jerrick “Katie’s breastmilk” (which is really just water).
“You have such a lovely, motherly manner about you,” Jerrick teases, as Holley is shoving a bottle into his mouth.
Gagnon says: “Next part is bath – which – obviously, Mike now needs.”
Eyes bug. Everybody laughs, and the segment comes to a close.