April 16, 2016
The Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office will review an alleged brawl involving ex-Eagle LeSean McCoy, his group and a pair of off-duty police officers at a bar in February, according to a CBS3 report.
Earlier this month, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams declined to bring charges in the fight, which was caught on video obtained by TMZ.com.
The D.A.'s decision angered John McNesby, president of the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5, who wrote a letter to Attorney General Kathleen Kane to seek intervention.
Speaking on behalf of the Attorney General's Office, Solicitor General Bruce Castor told CBS3, “I think it’s completely accurate to say LeSean McCoy and anyone else allegedly involved in this incident are not totally cleared.”
A lack of credible evidence was cited as reasons why no charges were filed by Williams.
A court would need to overturn Williams' decision if the Attorney General's office wants to file charges.