September 22, 2016
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, used puppies instead of flowers for their wedding bouquets.
Remember how weird Philly weddings have gotten lately? Well, they're getting weird all over the state, apparently. At least this time, however, it's for a good cause.
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, got married in Elizabethtown, Lancaster County, on Friday, and instead of flowers for the wedding bouquets, they used puppies. Yes: Living, breathing, tiny dogs.
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, used puppies instead of flowers for their wedding bouquets.
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, used puppies instead of flowers for their wedding bouquets. Caroline Logan Photography/Source
"Having something to divert attention from that uncomfortable 'Oh my goodness, I’m getting my picture taken… what do I do with my hands?!' feeling to pure puppy bliss made for relaxed photos where the bridal party was able to focus on interacting with the fun-loving puppies as I documented it all unfold.”
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, used puppies instead of flowers for their wedding bouquets.
Matt and Sarah Crain, of Pennsylvania, used puppies instead of flowers for their wedding bouquets.