November 10, 2016
Based on the beloved Frog and Toad children's series by Arnold Lobel, the Arden Theatre presents the production "A Year with Frog and Toad." The children's show, which features musical numbers, follows the unlikely friendship between cheerful Frog and grumpy Toad.
Arden Children’s Theatre produced "A Year With Frog and Toad" before, in both 2004 and 2009. This time, the production will run from Nov. 23 through Jan. 29.
“[The show] is one of our most treasured and critically acclaimed children’s theatre productions,” artistic director Terrence J. Nolen stated in a press release.
The production is the first of two Children’s Theatre offerings during the 2016-2017 season. Tickets start at $20.
Wednesday, Nov. 23 through Sunday, Jan. 29
$20-$36 per person
Arden Theatre
40 N. 2nd St.
(215) 922-1122