March 21, 2018
Snow begins to accumulate on Market Street late Wednesday morning, March 21, 2018.
Mother Nature got pulled over and asked the problem what seems to be the officer.
It's snowing like crazy — again — in the middle of March. Winter Storm Toby is drawing the wrath of the East Coast with angry memes from "The Office" and weak free water ice sales at Rita's.
In Mount Joy, Lancaster County, police are getting fed up.
With an APB already out for the sun, the local department decided it's time to bring Mother Nature to heel. She's been celebrating St. Patty's Day all month long. She's wasted.
Road conditions throughout the region quickly became treacherous on Wednesday as snow totals crept up toward a possible 11 inches of snow in Philadelphia. Two local police officers were hospitalized following a car accident and more than 3,200 flights have been canceled across the Northeast as a result of the nor'easter.
Mount Joy police should know Mother Nature can't be detained for long.
How about three months of community service? 75 degrees and sunny, plus overnight rain only, until July.