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February 08, 2015

Poll: New Jersey among top 10 liberal states

Politics Polls
02.08.15_NJ Mike Hintsa/Shelby/Creative Commons

New Jersey was ranked the least popular state according to a recent poll.

Republican Governor Chris Christie often serves as the most visible face of New Jersey politics, but that doesn't mean his ideological views represent the leanings of his blue state population. 

A recent Gallup poll, conducted as part of the company's "State of the State" series, determined that New Jersey ranks number 10 among the most liberal states in America. 

The results of the poll are based on telephone interviews that took place throughout 2014 with more than 177,000 adult participants. Across all fifty states and the District of Columbia, those who were questioned were asked to describe their political views as very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal, or very liberal. State rankings are based on a combination of the two liberal and conservative categories. 


02.08.15_NJgallup reports that about a quarter of New Jersey residents who were polled identified themselves as liberal, the tenth highest percentage in the United States. 

According Gallup's analysis of the findings, Americans on the whole have become slightly less conservative and more liberal in recent years. Ideological differences across the individual states, however, have remained relatively stable. 


