More Health:

Generation Z

Adult Health

Young people are having less sex than their parents did at their age. Researchers explore why

Young People Sex


Health concerns and trends for Generation Z to be aware of

Purchased - students using digital smart mobile phones on college campus

Women's Health

Generation Z is more prone to high blood pressure during pregnancy, data shows

Millennials Gen Z hypertension

Adult Health

For younger generations, urgent care and telemedicine often trump primary care

Gen Z millennials health


Smoking doubles young adults' risk of severe coronavirus complications

Smoking COVID-19 risk

Adult Health

Younger Americans are having less sex, a result of growing up slower

Sexual Inactivity in Young Americans


Young people comprise most of Philly's coronavirus cases

Generation Z Millennials Coronavirus


Danny DeVito shares coronavirus PSA urging millennials to stay at home


Millennials may be spreading coronavirus unknowingly – to the detriment of seniors


Philly gets middling worldwide rank among cities for Generation Z

Ben Franklin parkway philly

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating campaign aimed at millennials and generation Z

have a plant campaign

Alternative Medicine

Amid shifting attitudes on medical marijuana, baby boomers are big buyers

Carroll - Seniors using Medical Marijuana


Millennials will take lower pay at work for more free time, study on work-life balance says

Email greetings

Odd News

Urban Outfitters is 'curating' old '90s VHS tapes and selling them for $40

VHS tapes


Tamagotchis, the VR pets of the 90s, are coming back for some reason

tamagotchi VR pets


Merriam-Webster gets 'hangry' with additions of 'avo,' 'guac' and hundreds of other words

Besito Guac


Here's what to expect as the post-millennial Generation Z enters the workforce

Working Women

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