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Getting screened for colorectal cancer can save your life – and this survivor is quick to tell people

Kim Hall Jackson Cancer Screening


Effectiveness of colonoscopies called into question, but doctors say people should not avoid screening

Colonoscopies effectiveness


Delaying colonoscopy after abnormal stool test increases risk of colorectal cancer, VA study finds

Stool Tests Vs. Colonoscopy

Adult Health

Colorectal cancer screenings should begin earlier, new guidelines state

Colorectal cancer screening

Adult Health

Cancer diagnoses have plummeted amid the COVID-19 pandemic – and doctors are worried

Cancer diagnoses COVID-19

Adult Health

Colorectal cancer risk factors increasing among millennials

colorectal cancer risk factors


Offering more testing options doesn't increase colorectal cancer screenings

Colorectal Cancer 04262019

Women's Health

Here are the recommended health screenings for women in their 50s


What you need to know about getting a colonoscopy

Doctor speaking with patient about diagnosis


Penn researcher says more access to colon cancer screenings needed


Study: 29 percent of colonoscopy patients may have unneeded pre-screening visits

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