More Health:

Harvard University

Adult Health

Face blindness can be an isolating and embarrassing condition – and it's more prevalent than once believed

Face blindness

Children's Health

Kissing and food-sharing help babies identify close relationships, study shows

Baby Development Kissing

Healthy Eating

Replacing butter with olive oil may reduce the risk of serious illnesses, study finds

Olive oil


Health officials should begin preparing for the next viral outbreak now – even as coronavirus keeps spreading

Women's Health

Cervical cancer could be eliminated in the U.S. within 20 years, Harvard researchers say

Cervical cancer elimination

Women's Health

Most women give birth lying in bed, but is there a better way?

Hospital Birth

Men's Health

Erectile dysfunction in former NFL players linked to concussions

Adult Health

Drinking too much coffee may increase the chance of migraines

Coffee Migraines Headache


Northeast Philly man wanted in father's death captured near Harvard University

Sohan Panjrolia

Alternative Medicine

These high-tech bandages use body heat to speed healing, reduce scarring

heat bandage wounds


These 3 health interventions could potentially slash 94 million premature deaths

preventing premature deaths


Harvard researchers posed as drug addicts to illustrate the struggle for treatment

addiction treatment struggles


Not all doctors are behind 'revolutionary' ketamine-based antidepressant

Spravato Esketamine Nasal Spray 05172019


Harvard study finds lung-damaging toxins in popular e-cigarette products

e-cigarette lung toxins

Health News

Surprise! There are tiny tunnels running through your head


Health News

This Harvard professor calls that coconut oil you've been obsessively using 'pure poison'

coconut oil

Healthy Eating

Hate eating your veggies? Maybe you only need one



This common oral hygiene habit could increase risk for diabetes, study says

Mental Health

There is one way, research shows, that money could buy you happiness


Study: Moderate drinking of alcohol may alter brain function


Joe Biden will speak at two Ivy League schools' commencement events

Higher Education

N.J. teen gets accepted into all eight Ivy League schools



Study: Female doctors provide better health outcomes than male counterparts

Death Penalty

Report highlights Lynne Abraham as one of America's deadliest prosecutors

Carroll - Lynn Abraham Eyes


WATCH: The Roots' 'Black Thought' busts out freestyle at Harvard talk



Philly woman launches startup following traumatic Harvard experience

Due Quach

Jim Kenney

Kenney is off to 'Mayor Camp' at Harvard University

Kennedy School at Harvard

Jim Kenney

Jim Kenney goes to mayor-elect camp

Kenney goes to Harvard


Harvard physicist proposes radical theory for human existence


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